Friday, February 22, 2013

Got Deanna Jump?

The Wisconsin Kindergarten Association has started a Facebook page.  Check it out {by clicking here}....and "LIKE" us!   

The sweet Deanna Jump is coming to our 2013 conference

Our fall conference brings awareness, understanding and knowledge of new practices and activities done at the kindergarten level. Next year’s conference will be held on October 19, 2013 at the Bridegewood in Neenah, Wisconsin. Deanna Jump is our speaker. Mark your calendars!

Amber & LuAnn


  1. That is the best news of the day. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing! I will be putting this date in my calendar right away. I am going to the I Teach K conference this summer and attending some of her sessions. She is so sweet and is full of fabulous ideas!


  3. This will be an amazing conference for all of you! Wish I could go too!


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