Monday, September 30, 2013

Classroom Pictures...Finally!

These are the pictures I took today of my wonderful classroom.  It doesn't show everything, but I hope you enjoy looking at them.  Warning...I teach a 4K-5K split! 

Our Welcome Board.  The students colored in their names at Open House.

This is my 8th year having a "Secret Password" to enter my classroom & I still LOVE it.  What a great way to greet the precious kiddos each morning and review concepts learned in the classroom.

Bulletin Board Title

Here is our "Daily 5 CAFE" Board.  I used wrapping paper as the background.  Chevron bright green and LOVE much!  I used the resources from Chalk Talk Board for my Café board.  Click {here} !

Loved it so much...I added it to our Calendar Board, too.  My students love this time of the day...because they get to be the teacher/leader! 

5K students Rainbow Names...idea from Deanna Jump.  Click here for her post!  

4K students Rainbow Names.  For 4K, they used longer sticks to build their name.  

Our Word Wall!  We use the "Freeze Line" style in our classroom.   {Click right here} to go to my previous post about our word wall style. 

A closer look.  YES...that is a carpet wall.  Can you say a whole lotta Velcro is going on in our classroom!  BTW,,, my number line, shape posters, and word wall were from a fabulous unit from All Students Can Shine.  Click {here now} to check it out!

Writing Area Wall.  I just adore DeeDee Wills "Writing Work Station" Units through out the year.  You should check them out...{by clicking here}..if you haven't already! 

Our principal read, Have You Filled A Bucket Today, and we followed up with this activity from Ashley Reed.  Here Unit is perfect.  {Click here} to see it yourself! 

We also made Miss Viola Swap activity from Julie Lee and tied it in with being a "Bucket Dipper".

Ohhh..I had to add this picture because it make me smile and cry all at the same time.  These are the AMAZING K team I taught with in another building.  This year, I moved to another building in the district and I am the only K teacher.  MISS & LOVE working right next to these girls bunches and bunches!

I think I adapted this activity into a pocket chart poem from...Kindergarten Crayons.  I am not sure...I just wanted to give her a shout out.  I love her, her work, and HER BLOG!!   

This is one spot that I hang my "Readers Workshop Posters" from Kim Adsit & Michele Scannell.  I took time this summer to make ALL the posters for units 1 - 7.  I love that I can just whip them out and teach! 

Famous Birthday Balloons.  I have crazy straws hiding behind the cupcake bag. 

I just love using binders to keep organized.  Thanks "Little Lovely Leaders" for helping me make them cute.  Check out her unit by clicking {right here now!}

 Growing Kinders blogged about this "cutie" letter activity.   I used a Ziploc Sandwich bag to make my alligator.  I think he is so ugly that he is cute!   

These are my "Read To Self" Buckets "Really Good Stuff".  Kindergarten Kel just bought ice cube holders for her set.  Great idea and so much cheaper!  The pictures below are what you will find inside my "Read To Self" Buckets right now.  Let me know if you have any questions! 

Have a great week.... and I'll be back over the next couple of days...with a freebie!  Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think!  I love your comments & e-mails!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Who stole...who took...the cookies? and freebie!

To learn our friends names we are learning the song...Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar.  Do you use "stole" or "took"? in your classroom.  Just curious!  I wanted to share the interactive chart I made to use with the kiddos.  I have the cookies in a zip lock bag on the back of the chart.  The kiddos LOVE reaching into the jar and grabbing someone's name to sing.

I used pictures of students with my 4K kiddos!
Here is a closer look at this handsome 4K son...Cayden.  He goes to school in another building in our district.  My husband and I felt it would be best if he was not in my classroom.  HE HE HE  Do I ever wish I could see him walking down the halls!!!

I used names of students with my 5K kiddos! 
 If you noticed in the picture above....
My 5K kiddos made Miss Viola Swamp from Julie Lee's Unit.  
Click {here} to get yours now.  
We also did Deanna Jump's The Wheels on the Bus Freebie. is free!  
Click {right here}  to get your now!  

Have to share his precious smile again....Cayden on his first day to 4K!  
Please {click right here for your freebie!}  I have also included printouts to make a classroom made book.  I will share mine later this week! 

ThANkS fOr ReAdINg!  Amber  

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