Monday, July 14, 2014

Rays of Teaching (Susie Haas) Giveaway!

Who would have thought that in Vegas we would have the honor of meeting and falling in love with Susie Haas!?!  Wait a second....we already fell IN LOVE with the products she created while she was well-known as "Scribbles-N-Dots".  Susie Haas Kane now has a TpT Shop called Kindergarten With Susie and very soon a blog to share her creative products that kiddos & teachers love.    

We have used the next 4 products in our classroom for the last 10 years.  Each school year we like to change it up a bit and add new engaging activities to our curriculum, and when we do...we have to give something else up to fit-it-all-in.  But....we NEVER go a year with out these Susie Haas products.  We know you will fall in love, too!  Just look at the clip art... so cute and kid-friendly!  
We use this ABC BOOK  on the first day of school and by week 6 a majority of our students KNOW their LETTERS and LETTER SOUNDS by HEART. can be used with any reading program!!!
We use these ABC pictures  for our word wall.  This allows your kindergarten kids to EASILY distinguish between the capital and the lowercase letters with just a glance!
As your students learn names, sight words, and other special words, he/she can add to their very own Dilly Dally Dictionary as a great reference tools during journal writing or Writer's Workshop.
Have you ever wondered where the poem Jack-O Happy came from!?!  We have all the "Happy Poems" from Susie Haas to use in our classroom through out the school year.  
We do not have this Common-Core-Standards unit....YET!  But it is on our WISH LIST!!!
Susie Haas would love to give away one of her "Amazing ABC Program" Units to one lucky teacher.  All you have to do is follow her TpT shop on the rafflecopter below.   TRUST US....YOU WANT TO TAKE THE TIME TO DO THIS!  

Enjoy Summer & Thanks for Reading, 
Amber & LuAnn


  1. I love Susie!!! I got to work with her for over 10 years and she had a part in hiring me! :)

  2. Hi Amber and LuAnn! Talk about making me feel like a million! Thank you!
    It was a wonderful "come-back" engagement! Kindergarten teachers really are the BEST! :)

  3. Some things never go out of style. Susie's stuff fits that to a T.

  4. KRISTIN....REALLY!?! That is probably one of the reasons why are you TOP-NOTCH, too! We do have one of the best professions around. I think their should be more Teacher/Blogger meet ups!!!

  5. Sara...isn't she the greatest! An INSPIRATION to many of us!!!

  6. Sara, Isn't she the greatest!?! An INSPIRATION to many of us!!!

  7. I have used Susie's ABC Book and "Happy" books for years. I also have used her Name Tickets. All are winners for Kinder learners. I retired and am now going back to the classroom and am digging out my Susie materials for sure!

  8. YEAH for Susie! I met her many, many years ago at a workshop and purchased many of her products! I use the Jack-O-Happy products for many years from 1990! Those poems never go out of style. I hope she continues and thanks for making my day by announcing she has her stuff on TPT!
    You guys are great!

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