Friday, June 20, 2014


Yes...that is a pair of "TIE-DYED UNDERWEAR"!
If you teach an Introduction to Kindergarten Summer School Class...I have the funniest thing for you to do with your kiddos. 

Tie-dye underwear.  The kids LOVE it!  Can you just see all of them wearing their SPECIAL underwear on the first day of school!?!  
Cayden being silly wearing his colorful underwear!  Isn't he just the cutest thing you have seen!?!  
Just go to your nearest Dollar Tree or Family Dollar and purchase undies for your little friends.  I would suggest NOT sending a parent letter home to bring used undies with them to summer school.  HE HE HE  

Here is a FREEBIE of the tag that goes home with the underwear.

The students will be so excited for the first day of school! 

Live, Laugh, I Love Kindergarten recently posted "Wishlist Wednesday" to give away her #1 wishlist item from TpT Shop.  What a great idea!  Want a chance to win 1 of our top 3 products from TpT Shop!?!  Enter the rafflecopter below! 

Have a great weekend and....WE CAN'T WAIT UNTIL "I TEACH K" VEGAS!!!

Amber & LuAnn


Monday, June 2, 2014

Partner Readers ~ Read to Someone

When we think of “Read To Someone”…we think of TAKING TURNS READING.  We do not get enough time in our KINDERGARTEN classroom to take turns while playing….so why not do it during your daily 5/reading time. 

The students can help each other become GOOD READERS.  A FRIEND is the best person to help the reader with tricky words.   They can reread the “Partner Readers” many times to practice fluency and voice.  When they are finished they can retell three things they read in the story to build comprehension early in their reading. 

The student on the left (reader 1) is reading her highlighted sentence.
The student on the right (reader 2) is reading her highlighted sentence. 

Close up picture of the pages!

You can check out these "Partner Readers" in our TpT Shop.  # 3 will be free until the end of the weekend!

Thanks for reading,
Amber & LuAnn
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