I was looking at all the AMAZING blogs (that I am stalking ~ again…thank you for all your ideas) for more activities to help my kiddos/friends/students learn to recognize and write their letters…I found the cutest idea on Dr. Jean's blog (www.drjeanandfriends.blogspot.com). Instead of getting my report cards finished (by Friday) I had to make clip art and sorting/writing sheets to go with her BRILLIANT idea to use in my classroom. Sometimes…I get an idea in my head and I have to do it now because I can’t focus on anything else…Do you ever feel that way? Now...it is my turn to share with you!
Things you can do with body spelling are:
I Sing the alphabet slowly saying the alphabet as they touch the appropriate body part
I Spell out friend’s names
I Make high frequency words
I Practice spelling words
I Sort letters ~ I have attached some a sorting and/or writing sheet to use.
Tall letters (b, d, f, h, k, l, t) - touch your head
Tummy letters (a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z) – touch your tummy
Toe letters (g, j, p, q, y) – touch your feet
Please leave a comment and/or share any other ideas that you would use "Body Letters" for in your classroom!