Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Wheels on the Bus Go...

What a cute bulletin board idea for the beginning of the year.  This picture is from Peace, Love, and Kindergarten.  This blog got the idea from Deanna Jump.  Not sure where Deanna got the idea from! HE HE HE 

Here is another cute idea (from me!)....

Paint a posicle stick black and use a white out pen to make lines in the road.  I also add the bus number or letter to the middle of the bus.  Near the classroom door, hang up all the buses with the student's name clipped on for a quick view of where the students go each night.  The past couple of years have been a little "tricky" with more mom and dad homes.  This works nice because I can just change the clothes pin in the morning when I check where the student is going for the night.   


  1. What a GREAT idea!! I have the same problem with Mom and Dad weeks. Post-its just don't stay up.

  2. Love the clothes pin and popsicle sticks for bus riders! and I could do the same for my car riders...yeah! thank you!

  3. For the mom and dad days, you could put up a dad, or a mom on the "road" or use a house for each parent, but make them a little different.
    Also for a friend pick up or grandma pick up.

  4. Thanks for the shout out! I just now saw it! Haha!


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