Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Earth Day

Earth Day is coming soon.  April 22nd - as a matter of fact!  
In our classroom, the students make Earth necklaces the week before to wear on that special day.  See picture below! 
There is a trick to making the necklace - Experience!  Actually...the only 2 ingredients you need are potting soil and glue.  The tricky part is getting the right texture.  It cannot be too soft/mushy and it cannot be too hard/thick.  
1) In a bowl mix enough soil and glue for the class.
2) Have the student scoop out a spoonful (golf ball size or smaller).  
3) The student will roll it into a smooth ball. 
4) The teacher will stick a small paper clip in the top.  
5) Place on a wax sheet of paper with the students name next to it.  
     It usually takes 1 to 2 days to dry.  Make sure to move it around 
     so one side is not flat. 
6) Paint the ball green(land) and blue(water).  I used neon acrylic 
     paint.  It was brighter! 
7) Tie a string and wear! 



  1. How cute!! I so want to try this!!

  2. Very Cute necklace...I do something similar with recycle plastic and shrink it....I love that you made it out of soil. :)

  3. Thanks for the idea! Our grade level made them last week. The kids LOVED them!

  4. This is such a great idea! Can't wait to make it with my daughter and her friends for Earth Day this year. cJust pinned it onto our Eco FriendlyFun Board.

  5. So creative! I love that it is so naturally made, inside and out!

  6. I love this Amber. It is so clever. I want my kindergarten teachers to see this and make it. It goes perfectly with my "Friends of the Earth" packet. so much for showing it to me! Love, love, love it.... Making it from the earth rocks it out! I want to link back to this if you don't mind. Miss you friend.


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