Look at the AWESOME shirt that came in the mail. I love it and the color (purple was my mom's favorite color). Putting this shirt on is making me so excited to present this year at the UW~Stout Early Childhood Conference. This year I am presenting 4 different sessions with my kindergarten side~kick LuAnn...HE HE HE. I laugh because she has helped me present the last 3 years and in the session booklet it stated she was a kindergarten teacher and she really was a 5th grade teacher. During the presentations, I would joke that she wants to be just like me...and now she is! Even though it is her first year teaching kindergarten...her knowledge as a teacher has taught me so much this year and I cannot wait to share her with you early childhood educators! Our sessions are: Literacy Rocks, Calendar Time Rocks, Nursery Rhymes Rock, and Blogs that Rock. Please comment and let me know if you are going to be at the conference or maybe even one of our sessions.
Cadyen and I being silly taking pictures of eachother. |
My handsome little man! |
My career as a teacher is a passion of mine that I enjoy sharing with others. I also feel like a better mom because I hope to instill the work ethnic I grew up in (my parents owned a restaurant) and to truly love what you do. It also makes me feel guilty! But being a Wife, Mom, & Teacher...all 3 are demanding but ENJOYABLE. Cadyen and Kelsea mean the world to me and I promise to devote small times with them that become tradition or just right out silly fun. The hardest job for me is the wife bit.. after work (teaching kindergarten kiddos) and then being a mom all night I just want to crash and go to bed. And what about me...me time...I want to make time for myself to walk each night. My husband has came up with the idea of sending a picture through texting (hopefully) once a day to share what we are doing when we are not with each other. It has been a fun thing to do and our pictures can sure get creative. I hope to come up with something special for him, too! Any ideas???
Kelsea's senior picture...can't believe she is graduating this year! |
James and I at a hockey game...Go Red Wings! |
I mentioned earlier that my mom's favorite color was purple. Losing a parent at any age is hard. Kids~young adults~adults need their parents much more than we think, and I needed my mom still very much when she died unexpectedly. My mom passed away over a year ago and I still miss her EVERYDAY, especially as I am a mom myself. I miss her laugh, sense of style, her reassurance, her hands, her ways of showing me of how proud she is of me, her smile, her way of getting excited about the littlest things, her way to giving, her way with her grand-kids, I could go on and on…she deserved to watch her grand-kids grow up and it is just not fair. My mom was an angel her on earth and now she is an angel watching over me and my family. I could never say good-bye to her, because I could never bear the pain. Instead I will say I love you mom…until we meet again I will have so much to share with you…and I know you will be proud!
Here is my FAVORITE Mother's Day activity to do with the kiddos.
Click here for the "I Will Always Love You Mommy" words
I enjoy blogging and presenting to share what works in my classroom as a way to give back to all of those who have given so much to me! THANK YOU for reading my/our posts and being a blogger yourself!