Sunday, September 28, 2014


Just SHARIN' a TpT writing product 
we are using in our classrooms.  
First I chose which one I wanted to complete in front of the class
and printed it poster size (150%) to model to the students. 
One of the students said to add Mrs. Osterman passing the I did! 

At the beginning of the school year in Science we learn about our "5 Senses." This really helps our students when they start adding detailed pictures to their kinder writing. We blogged about our anchor chart HERE!!  

This writing unit from LIVE LOVE LAUGH KINDERGARTEN would make a great activity for center time, small groups, or early finishers. The possibilities are endless all year long! Please check out LET'S WORK ON WRITING  at Live Love Laugh Kindergarten's TpT store!

August unit is FREE.  The rest of the months are only $3.00!
I just LOVE his one missing tooth.
I wish you could see it too!
Thanks Bunches, 
Amber & LuAnn

Sunday, September 21, 2014

ABCs + Starfall = Learning Tool Freebie

LETTER RECOGNITION! "Learning My ABCs With Starfall" offers a KID-APPROVED way to LEARN upper and lower~case letters.  The students will enjoy their computer time practicing computer skills like using the mouse and keyboard while independently learning their ABCs.

Have the student display their Starfall Learning Card
As you re-assess the students add a stamp or sticker over the letters your students master.
If your student knows all of his/her letters, have them practice the vowels for short and long vowel recognition.

Another option is to print all the letters on a card and as they master their letters add a stamp or sticker.

Click RIGHT HERE to go to our TpT Shop for this FABULOUS freebie!

Amber & LuAnn

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Read Aloud Importance & Freebie

Reading aloud a story is a powerful tool in the classroom when helping children learn to read.  Your goal in the classroom with a read aloud is to demonstrate to your students that reading isn't just about's fun!

Mrs. Jump's Blog has "Book Talk Tuesday".   She has been SHARING some WONDERFUL stories to use in your classroom!  Make sure to check it out!!!

One way to help with classroom management during a story to go through "STORY BASICS" before you read!  It's easy....the students will echo what you say!

Teacher ~ Ears are Listening
Students ~ Ears are Listening
Teacher ~ Feet are Quiet
Students ~ Feet are Quiet
Teacher ~ Hands are Still
Students ~ Hands are Still
Teacher ~ Eyes are Looking
Students ~ Eyes are Looking
Teacher ~ Lips are Zipped
Students ~ Lips are Zipped
Read Aloud! Read Aloud! Read Aloud!  It is NEVER a waste of your teaching time!

P.S.  THANKS to my body double today for posing for the pictures!  
Amber & LuAnn 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Five For Friday!

I just LOVE my students "Super Kinders" that I might keep it up all year long!  Every morning when they arrive at their cubbies...this display will remind them to use appropriate behaviors all day long!   HE HE HE  

You can get this creative activity from Gluesticks N' Giggles!

Our AMAZING principal had these made (she also did some of the painting) for ALL the staff in our building this summer.  Isn't it sharp!?!

Add caption

This is one of my favorite bulletin boards in my classroom.  This is where I will display all our interactive writing charts.  Each chart we make together will remain on the wall and the kiddos can keep re-reading it when they "read the room"!

The poem reads: I made this special magnet on the very first day so that my kindergarten work will always be on display!

The magnet will hang on the fridge at home.  As the student makes projects or completes good work he/she (or the parents) can change what is clipped to the magnet.   

I walked into the gas station after working LATE one school night.  The lady behind the counter said..."Is that paper clips in your hair?"  With a (I am so embarrassed smile on my face) all I could say was "Yes!".   I wonder if the next time I go into the gas station she or others will be wearing paper clips in their hair, too.  PROBABLY NOT!

Thanks for reading and have a HAPPY weekend!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Peek At My Week

Peek At My Week with Deedee Wills
Today I am linking up with Mrs. Wills' Kindergarten.  This is our first full week of school and I am sharing my "how did I fit it all in" lesson plans with you.  Honestly...I didn't!  There is so much more I WANT to do with the kiddos...but I just don't have the time (sad face).  But we got all year to try new things to keep them engaged...right!?!   Last week was a lot of routines, singing, moving & modeling!  ENJOY!  

What's In A Name Unit ~ Mrs. Leeby
September Morning Work ~ The Printable Princess
ABC Little Readers ~ Kindergarten With Susie
Science For All Seasons: Fall ~ Kristen Smith

Super Kinders ~ Behavior At School Crafty

THANKS BUNCHES for reading!  I think we are going to have an academically fun week...don't ya?!? If you have any questions, please let me know! 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ain't I Cute!?!

School Girl Style had just what I was looking for to brighten up my classroom this year.  The hard thing was choosing a theme.  I finally decided on BRIGHT OWLS!

This is a great way to reinforce concepts being learned and make a personal connection for the start of the day! I will add a picture of a shape, color, letter, sight word, number, etc. each day for the kiddos to recite and greet me!
Can you tell what product I have on my computer?  It is What's In A Name Unit by Mrs. Leeby.  I just linked you right to her TpT shop because you should trust me and buy the unit. 
I loved First Grade Blue Skies ribbon skirt so much that I wanted something like it in my classroom, too.  As the year goes on...I will add a little more ribbon.  
Nice Notes ~ I wanted some place special to hang my
A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E notes students give me at school.  
Science Discover Center

Reading Wall
My students are bringing in family photos to hang in the frames beside the classroom tree.  This makes the students feel like they are apart of the classroom.  It is an educational tool, too! 
Writing Area
Partner Reader Bins on top
Fine Motor & Play Dough on the bottom
Almost anything play dough in my classroom is from Miss Kindergarten
Art Area
Math Wall
Number Charts are from The First Grade Parade (Don't Forget My Number)

Math Area
Secret Star is from A Cupcake For A Teacher ...and it is FREE!

Book Treasure Baskets ~ You can read about them by CLICKING HERE!
LOVE ~ LOVE our word wall.  Have you been to Susie Kane's Blog blog yet!?!  Kindergarten With Susie is the place to be!!!

Whole group learning area

FOCUS WALL  ~ Deedee Wills came out with this product just in time for me!!!

Can you see it!?!  I cannot wait to use this learning tool in my classroom with my kids.  How can a MIMIO make me so excited to teach!?!
I am IN LOVE with my classroom! 

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