Monday, December 10, 2012

12 in '12

I'm linking up to this fun party over at Miss Kindergarten and a Teeny Tiny Teacher to share my top 12 of 2012!!!  Head over to link up your blog!

12. Favorite movie you watched:
I watched this movie with my dad this weekend.  He had knee surgery and I am home taking care of him.  We  had some good laughs during this movie!  OLDIE but GOODIE!

11. Favorite TV series:

10. Favorite restaurant:
I think this is the only place I eat that I DON'T change something about the item I ordered.  The sad thing is ....this summer  the restaurant in our area closed.  

9. Favorite new thing you tried:
I would have one EVERY morning if I could!  Double Yummy!!!

8. Favorite gift you got:
I will be getting a pair of these from Mall of America this weekend for my birthday.                                               I hope I find a fun pair I like!

7. Favorite thing you pinned:
Our children teach US

6. Favorite blog post:
"Shake of the Day" Post.  Click {here} here to go to it! 
In Wisconsin....when you visit a tavern they have this thing called, Shake of the Day.  You pay a dollar and shake a jar with 6 dice in it once.  If you shake all of the same numbered dice up in the jar you win 1/2 of the pot.  Oh...what fun...especially if you win!  The students get just as much joy shaking a real word they can read!      

5. Best accomplishment:
In November I presented at the SDE I Teach K  Conference in  Indy.  What a great experience with my aMaZInG friend, LuAnn.  I will never forget it!!!  

4. Favorite picture:
Photo: Excited to go Trick-or-Treating!
I love this boy bunches & bunches!

3. Favorite memory:
The day Kelsea Marie graduated from High School.  I am so proud of her!  

2. Goal for 2013:
Quotes about Being Thankful
To say "THANK YOU" more in sweet ways!  

1. One Little Word:

Thanks for reading....Amber


  1. What an awesome year it has been for you!!! One of my goals is to become a presenter! I {{LOVE}} going to workshops/conferences and learning from other amazing teachers!

    :) Loved reading about you!
    Beg, Borrow, Steal

  2. Wonderful accomplishments, memories, and goals! You deserve nothing but the best!

  3. Thanks for linking up!
    That little boy is the cutest thing I've ever seen. EVER. Oh my word.
    And congratulations on presenting at the conference - WOWIE!!!!!!!!

  4. Thanks for reading & COMMENTING! It has been a great year and I am excited to see what next year brings me!!! Happy Holidays!
