Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Musical Crayons....Oh What Fun!

Our theme in the classroom is FRIENDSHIP.  
I read the story "The Crayon Box That Talked"  then we played a game of "musical crayons!"
I gave each student a piece of paper and one crayon. 
When the music played, they colored a picture. 
When the music stopped, they would raise their hand.
The students would pass their crayon to the friend on their right. 

This activity was a fun way to reinforce adding color to their drawings 
and adding more detail to their picture!  

They all did a great job and had some cute, colorful pictures!


  1. what a great idea!!! I have been trying to get them to "add to" their work. Thanx for sharing.

    1. You are welcome! We had FUN with it! I also used their pictures and made it into a classroom booklet. They are having fun telling stories about the pictures!

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