Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Teachers Notebook Bundle Sale

Have you heard about Teachers Notebook Bundle!?!  You have to take the time to check it out here by clinking {right here}!  You can THANK us later!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Funny Story & Owl Unit

I  was explaining our Owl Centers to my students.  At the "Owl Shape" Center, if you roll a "SCREECH" you lose a turn and when one shape reaches the top of the stop.  I was trying to reinforce the fact that when one shape reaches the top..then they need to stop...because I always have that one student who fills in EVERY row.  Then Micheal says really excited...Yeah, and if you get "SCREWED" you loose a turn! 


We have gotten many requests for our Owl here it is!!!
Click {here} to go to our TPT shop. 
Click {right here} to go to our TN shop. 

This unit is a HOOT! It is full of math and literacy centers with "Owl~trageous" learning fun for the fall. 
You will find the following skills in our unit:
• Color Words
• CVC Words 
• ABC Order
• Sight Words
• Reading Sentence Fluency
• Count By 10’s 
• Writing from 1 – 20
• More & Less
• Ten Frames 
• Shapes

We also blogged about it {Right Here}!

Have a great THANKSGIVING!!!
Amber & LuAnn

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Block Center

Blocks are kind of an essential item in most classrooms, am I right? Both Boys and girls like blocks. Why?  Because they’re a lot of fun!
Turns out, kids can learn a lot from these simple toys, too!  To mention a few...oral language, develop vocabulary, increase social skills, etc. 
We have created a recording sheet to keep in the block center.  When our students are finished creating their masterpiece...they can draw and label it to take home to share their learning with their families.  

Click {right here} to go to our TPT shop and grab this FREEBIE!  

Here are some more ideas I found on Pinterest to use in your block center...

This booklet is filled with a list of items your students can make in the blocks center. It has great picture cues for each idea....Click {right here} to go to Kindergarten Lifestyle's Blog and get yours for FREE!

Thank you,
Amber & LuAnn

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Owl~trageous Centers for the Week!

The students will read the sentence (many times).
Then....he/she will trace the sentence and count/write how many words in the sentence.  

The students will build sight words.
Then...he/she will color it, trace it, and write it on the line. 

The students will find the missing letter.
Then...he/she will write the ABC order in the box. 

The students will sound out the picture.
Then....he/she will write each sound in the box

The students will read the number and fill in the ten-frame match. 

The students will put the owls in order from 10 - 100.
Then....he/she will write it on the record sheet. 

The students will roll and graph until one owl reaches the top.
 If they get a "Screech", he/she will  "Screech" like an owl and lose their turn! 

The students will read the pocket chart, "What Did The Owl Say?"
Then...he/she will complete the record form by writing the color words to match each sentence.

While I go and figure out what my 4K kiddos are doing during "Thematic Center" time...enjoy this video by clicking the link!  Enjoy Your School Week!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Reading to the President

I was able to attend a fabulous conference yesterday called, Literacy Practices for 4K.  One of the greatest parts was being able to sit at a table with 5 other 4K teachers and share what we do in the classroom.  I did a lot of listening because I am new to this 4K thing...and let me tell you...I could not get enough of it!  

One of the ideas the presenter, Lori Jamison, shared with us was "Reading to the President...or your Principal...or your Friends...the ideas are endless"!  

Go read to the PRESIDENT! 

Yes...this is a chart from one of Kim Adsit and Michele Scannell's Reader's Workshop Units.  

This is where I hang our anchor charts to remind the students what is important!
Look....NO SNOW yet...and I am going enjoy every minute of it!!!

PS...if you are looking for new professional book to read check this book out.  PLAY is so important!   

Thanks for Reading,