Friday, January 20, 2012

Student Teachers Rock...TOO!

You will be a super teacher....because you like us!

You will be a super teacher are nice!

You are a super teacher read a lot to us.

You will be a super teacher are funny.

On the back cover of the book I wrote a special thank you note to her. 

All the "teacher goodies" that the students and I gave to Miss Heusi. 

I HOPE that Miss Heusi has her own classroom soon to use all these goodies!
  Click here for a copy of our "Leisure in Learning" Day Parent Letter

It is such an odd and sad feeling knowing that this is my student teacher’s last day.  So what else to blog about, but….  my adventure!  This was my first student teaching experience, and was I ever SPOILED!  She was a perfect fit in my classroom!  She taught great lessons that were both meaningful and fun..  She related well to the kids and had super classroom management skills.  Plus…a skill that is hard to teach, she just naturally possessed – she was self-reflective and took constructive criticism very well.  Way to go!   

It sure was different having someone else with you all the time…all day long.  She got to see the good, the bad (hopefully not a lot), and the monotonous.  Sorry…some lessons just are not as fun, but we have to teach them.  I feel when you are teaching kindergarten, it’s okay to be silly once-in-a-while!  I will do whatever it takes to keep 16 active kindergarten students attentive and engaged.  Yes… I know…only 16!

Anyway, I am ready to have my students (and classroom) back and teach full-time again. It is going to be hard at first because the students ADORED her (obviously I do, too!).  I am sure we both will miss her presence in the classroom.  I just hope...I love that word….HOPE…that she learned just as much from me, as I learned from her. 

The class and I made a Good-Bye Book for her to keep as a remembrance or our time together.  I will share some pictures below.  Earlier this week, I also sent home a note to the parents letting them know that on her last day we were going to have a “Learning in Leisure” day to celebrate our time with her.  The parents were also asked to send in some teacher items for her “best wishes” basket.  The parents were very giving, and I hope very soon she will be able to use her basket of “teacher goodies” in her very own classroom!


  1. This is so sweet! I recently finished up my student teaching, and it's so hard to leave! I'm glad your experience was a good one. :)

  2. How great! Looks like you had a very lucky student teacher :)

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  3. PERFECT! I am getting my first student teacher in March! Thanks for sharing the templates!!!:)

  4. So cute!!! She was SO lucky to have such a great cooperating teacher! HOW SWEET!!!!!


  5. I have had the privilege of having 3 great student teachers and each found employment (2 in public school and 1 in a private preschool). They each spoiled me and my children. It's wonderful that you learned as much from her as she did from you. Sometimes, they need to see the "bad" to prepare them for their own classrooms. I'm looking forward to getting one this March, if my principal says so. ;-)

  6. I have had 4 student teachers - all wonderful! They are always a delight to have in my classroom and each found jobs right out of college! Hooray for those of us that take on this huge responsibility!

  7. I will be student teaching in the fall and I think what you did was awesome and sweet!! I hope my mentor teacher feels the same way about me :))
