Tuesday, November 15, 2011


YIPPEE~YUPPEE you heard me right....we have "Shake of the Day" in kindergarten!
The special student of the day gets to shake the bucket when they arrive at school to see if he/she can make a CVC word.  If the student makes a CVC word we will share it with class, and he/she gets a packet of Smarties.   Because you know...if they eat Smarties they are going to be smarter!  HE HE HE

What are some other "Shake of the Day" ideas:
  • Shake all vowels
  • Shake 2 words that rhyme
  • Shake a picture and the letter of the beginning sound of that picture
  • Addition or Subtraction
  • 3 numbers in a row / example 4, 5, 6
  • 3 dots / 3 / three
Teaching Kindergarten is so much fun!


  1. that is so cute

  2. this is great practice for nonsense words too!

  3. I just gave you the Sunshine Award!
    Come on over to check out my post!

    Kinder Kraziness

  4. I'm not a teacher but I have a kindergarten rock star that I'm thrilled to be the mom of and I think we'll do this at home!

  5. I just pinned this and had to come here and tell you how darn cute this is! I LOVE this! I would like to share this with my friends and give you credit for sure!

  6. Replies
    1. A word constructed with a consonant, vowel, consonant...cat, cut,bit, etc.

  7. It is a word that contains a consonant~vowel~consonant. For example, cat....dog...pot...man, etc.

  8. I can see some of the letters but could you list the letters you put on each die? Thanks!

  9. I had my husband make me blocks but when I went to make them I said how do I know what letter to put on the blocks!! Can you help? Would love to do this next year..

  10. I'm also interested in what letters you put on each block.

  11. Great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  12. I totally love this idea! I am planning on adding a twist for 2nd grade and putting smaller letter cubes into a square container so that my kiddos can then shake and use the letters to make as many words as they can! The smarties are a super nice touch:) I am going to add this to my word study center. It reminds me of a game that we play on www.spellingcity.com called Unscramble. Be sure to check it out with your Kiddos! It is sure to be a hit. Thanks so much for sharing. I am heading back to pin your post:)
    The Schroeder Page

  13. What size jar do you use?

  14. Yes, found this on Pinterest. Thanks for sharing!

  15. do you have a printable for the letter cubes? LOVE this idea and would love to use it at home with my daughter to practice over the summer. Thanks.

  16. I really like this idea.It has a lot of ways that it can be used.

  17. http://www.teachersnotebook.com/product/kindergartenrox/shake-of-the-day-unit

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hi!

    I am a member of the marketing department for an Educational Suppliers. We are currently working on our shiny new 2016 catalogue and we would love to talk to you about some of the lovely ideas which you have posted on your blog!

    If you are interested contact me through my email and we will get the ball rolling!

    My work email is rebecca@cosydirect.com

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  20. I was interested in a printable,as well.
