Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Milk Cap Learning Fun!

My students LOVED playing this game during summer school
to review their sight words. 
All you need is CLEAN milk caps, Mod Podge, paint brush,
& a chip/coin. 
You can also purchase our mini unit too.  WINK! WINK!  
One student will hide the chip/coin while
the other students are closing their eyes.  NO PEEKING!
It was nice playing on the carpet because
you could not hear where they were hiding the chip/coin.
The students took turns guessing where the chip/coin was hiding
by saying the sight word and pointing to the milk cap. 
The student who hid the chip/coin would turn over the milk cap
to see if they found it.
Play continues until the chip/coin is found. 
They did not want to stop playing this game!
How cute are these pictures for beginning or ending sounds!?! 
We also have letters in our mini unit too!

CLICK HERE to use in your classroom!
HOPE that you had an AMAZING summer. 
THANKS BUNCHES for reading our blog!