Friday, April 19, 2013

A Proud Day to Be a Teacher!

We had the honor of attending the Herb Kohl Education Foundation Awards Banquet in Green Bay, Wisconsin this past weekend.  LuAnn Neuenschwander received a Herb Kohl Fellowship Award, which is a prestigious award among the teachers in the state of Wisconsin, and LuAnn & I got our picture taken together with former Senator Kohl.

LuAnn, Sen. Herb Kohl, Amber

  He told stories from his childhood, which included how his father instilled the love of learning and the importance of education in him.  During the two hour event, we were enlightened with stories of how great our students and teachers are doing in Wisconsin.  Kohl praised all of the state's educators for their dedication to our students and to the educational profession.  His comments were very inspirational!  

We would like to share an inspirational quote from Herb Kohl...
"An overwhelming majority (of educators) are enormously dedicated and competent and are willing and do an enormous amount of work and put in a tremendous amount of time, on and off the clock, to ensure that their students are given the best opportunity to learn and grow."

It was a proud day to be an educator!  Thank you, Sen. Kohl, for all you do for education!

Amber and LuAnn